reallyboring: If you're as strangely captivated as I am by modest postwar houses with vaguely streamline details, please allow me to recommend Avenue F between 108th and 110th on the East Side!
reallyboring: New glasses. 100% less structural electrical tape. Have to look cute for nuclear war/ climate catastrophe/ collapse of liberal democracy/ one giant car crash that somehow kills everyone!
reallyboring: Monument at William W. Powers State Recreation Area, on an isthmus in Wolf Lake, dedicated in 1946. Cast in concrete with pea gravel aggregate, the text is only barely legible with the help of shadows.
reallyboring: William W. Powers State Recreation Area, Wolf Lake
reallyboring: William W. Powers State Recreation Area, Wolf Lake
reallyboring: Scorch marks from a controlled burn on the lakefront south of McCormick Place
reallyboring: Self portrait as shadow on bicycle
reallyboring: 136th Street skirts Wolf Lake to connect Hegewisch, the southeastern most neighborhood in Chicago, with cheap gas and cigarettes in Indiana. It is maintained accordingly.
reallyboring: Marktown, a tiny village for steel mill workers, slowly being obliterated by neglect and BP, which would prefer that no one live this near their refinery.
reallyboring: Whiting & Hammond houses
reallyboring: BP Whiting Refinery
reallyboring: It's nice outside so I have of course biked to Indiana.
reallyboring: Nighttime on the Chicago River
reallyboring: River Cottages (Harry Weese, 1988)
reallyboring: One last photo of Cassidy Tire before demolition. Built as the Tyler & Hippach Mirror Company Factory (Henry J. Schlacks, 1902). Soon to be another highrise, which is fine but I wish they had found a way to incorporate this fine building.
reallyboring: Had to take this photo for mom since we were both in the same place!
reallyboring: Things got a little crazy after the Rat Patrol rolled up
reallyboring: CHAOS Brew Club was a gracious party host, and provided a perfect vantage point to watch and be snarky about Metra trains
reallyboring: Streetsblog Chicago party!
reallyboring: Shoulder cat
reallyboring: I have gotten so lazy, I took only four photos of Wingspread with my "real" camera. As great as phone photos can be, it's nice to have a powerful zoom lens!
reallyboring: Wishing I had a cozy fire this morning.
reallyboring: TFW the cat wants something but you have no idea what.
reallyboring: Fri-yay?
reallyboring: Just thinking about soup 🍲
reallyboring: First window opening of 2022, and Clyde is immediately on the job!
reallyboring: It is extremely springlike, and I have not seen downtown this busy on a normal day since 2019. Pic unrelated.
reallyboring: Finally got that good light! Some nice exterior views of the Crow's Nest.
reallyboring: The Crow's Nest looks out across the sprawling expanse of Wingspread.
reallyboring: The spiral stairs from the Great Hall at Wingspread lead up to the Crow's Nest, a small glass pod on top of the roof that was added at the request of one of the Johnson children.