mimmi: Steven presenting IRSGD at GGC2011
mimmi: Bane Screen
mimmi: Joakim by the Bane booth
mimmi: Fields of Glory
mimmi: Peter playing Fields of Glory
mimmi: Oscar playing Fields of Glory
mimmi: Adventure Leage
mimmi: Feedback sheet
mimmi: Colorless
mimmi: Yellowfield Spacetravels
mimmi: Screen: Victorious Skies
mimmi: Scott Siegel giving a talk at GGC2011
mimmi: Slide from Scott's talk at GGC2011
mimmi: Scott Siegel
mimmi: Scotts' GGC2011 talk. Parking Wars and the Magic Circle
mimmi: Slide from Scott's talk at GGC2011
mimmi: Slide from Scott's talk at GGC
mimmi: L1030749.JPG
mimmi: Ulf
mimmi: Victorious Skies
mimmi: Oscar doing Jury duty
mimmi: Screen: Umbra
mimmi: Umbra devs
mimmi: Personal Space
mimmi: Johan and Mats doing jury duty
mimmi: Maria
mimmi: Lead the Way
mimmi: Lead the way
mimmi: Richard filling in feedback forms
mimmi: Richard Dansky wielding Jury Group 1 Javelin