mimmi: 2019-11-19-Sisyphos-final-compressed
mimmi: 2019-11-18-babylon-first-layer-of-colour-compr
mimmi: 2019-10-11-inktober-snow-w25-h20cm-compressed
mimmi: 2019-11-18-sisyphos-1st-layer-compress
mimmi: 2019-11-20-Amnesia-photo
mimmi: 2019-11-19-groundhog-final-compressed
mimmi: 2019-11-20-babylon-final-compressed
mimmi: 2019-11-18-Groundhog-1-colorlayer-compressed
mimmi: 2019-11-18_no-yardstick-1st-color-layer-compr
mimmi: 2019-11-19-babylon 2nd layer of paint-compressed
mimmi: 2019-11-20-no-yardstick-final-compressed
mimmi: 2019-10-16-inktober-dragon-20x15cm-compressed
mimmi: 2019-09-15-icids-illu-babylon-lineart-18-75x25cm-compr
mimmi: 2019-11-17-No-Yardstick-linework-compress
mimmi: 2019-11-04-critters-merged-3200x2630px-1200dpi
mimmi: 2019-10-16-inktober-Wild
mimmi: 2019-10-29-inktober-Injured-sheldon
mimmi: 2019-10-30-inktober-Catch
mimmi: The musketeers of Interactive Narrative Design
mimmi: Teun, Noam and Hartmut
mimmi: Hartmut lecturing at Narrative Design Education at HKU
mimmi: Noam Lecturing at Narrative Design Education at HKU
mimmi: Rafa and Hartmut at the Eye Museum in Amsterdam
mimmi: Rafa's photo when i give talk at the Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank at the Nederlands Film Festival in Utrecht
mimmi: Rafa's view, his photo at the Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank at the Nederlands Film Festival in Utrecht
mimmi: Hartmut and Geert-Jan the Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank at the Nederlands Film Festival in Utrecht
mimmi: Drawing my view from the stage at the Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank at the Nederlands Film Festival in Utrecht
mimmi: 2019-09-04-inkblot-monsters-legs-to-left
mimmi: 2019-09-04-inkblot-monsters-wings-to-right