mimmi: the view from my office in november
mimmi: Office shade
mimmi: Office shade - HGO
mimmi: hgo, kasernen 407G0040
mimmi: Office shade
mimmi: My desk at HGO, november 2004 (4AIE0004)
mimmi: office photo
mimmi: 12mandarinskal
mimmi: Filofax 1998
mimmi: 06handvaskan
mimmi: arbrum copy
mimmi: Dice
mimmi: Settling into the room i got at LCC
mimmi: The window
mimmi: Shared working space at TSRB gatech
mimmi: Office Space, TSRB, Gatech, 2005
mimmi: Corridor in TSRB
mimmi: Stealth attack on boringness
mimmi: new office
mimmi: New office
mimmi: My desk at the Interactive Institue in Stockholm
mimmi: My desk - recently moved
mimmi: desk, HGO
mimmi: My desk is behind the wall of cartons
mimmi: Wiew when peeking out from behind the carton wall
mimmi: 2007 13 14 139
mimmi: My new office cave