mimmi: inventory_ac1
mimmi: 16-3-uppdrag
mimmi: 17-5-1uppdrag
mimmi: 17-5uppdrag
mimmi: 17-stamped-yarac-letter
mimmi: 18-DEAD
mimmi: 19-mara-al-luq
mimmi: 20-apple-quest-compete-find-pie-now
mimmi: 21-north-yarac
mimmi: 22-east-outpostt
mimmi: 23 find nuhmudira
mimmi: 24-found-stranger-traya-asked-for-sens-me-to-fr
mimmi: 25-back to thsaya
mimmi: 26-stranger-is-a-bandit
mimmi: 27-big message
mimmi: 27-nwes from crier
mimmi: 30-tried to give mara stamped letter
mimmi: 31-another-note-from-mara
mimmi: 31gave-mara-note-return
mimmi: pc_stats_ac1
mimmi: 01-st-quest
mimmi: 02-gust-find-nuhmudira
mimmi: 03-housing
mimmi: 11-solved too many times
mimmi: 14-first-quest
mimmi: 15-2-quest
mimmi: 2sex
mimmi: 3appearance
mimmi: 4clothing
mimmi: 5profession