tsevis: Simone De Beauvoir: The butterfly (for Womankind magazine Australia)
HamburgerJung: This is my keyboard!
ana_lora: Broken Heart
賴鵬智: 穗花棋盤腳(水茄苳)-玉蕊科棋盤腳樹屬-嘉義東石鰲鼓-20130617-賴鵬智攝-4
Pensiero: In a small cafe
amboo who?: parting the red sea
Iain Farrell: The mighty board
joao ornelas: combing her hair
gfpeck: Solitude
kylesteed: An idea I'm working on about the solitude of the internet.
★ spunkinator: Sometimes I yell at myself.
katmary: The vampire monk
narghee-la: brain explosion (self termination)
Wasfi Akab: The Partner
Little Lioness: Burning Man: Spread the LOVE
osamukaneko: tokyo
stephcarter: Tea for One
Kanko*: mornig green tea
"KIUKO": maple tea
captain.orange: Rose und Gerte
cseeman: 268/365/2094 (March 6, 2014) - Flapjack is Officially SICK of Winter (March 6, 2014)
blmurch: Anonymous BA style
Images by John 'K': Lost In Translation: The writing on the wall may be confusing!
Moody Man: red envelope
The PIX-JOCKEY (visual fantasist): JACK THE RIPPER (Jack lo Squartatore)
Hollywata: Equal Rights For All!
h.koppdelaney: Reader