little_dog_photography: Mt. Etna Sicily Italy
little_dog_photography: My MKV TDI "The Money Pit"
little_dog_photography: groth spurt of an aged drinker from left to right.
little_dog_photography: The Best Red Vodka Ever.
little_dog_photography: Childs Play After-Math
little_dog_photography: sharpend #445
little_dog_photography: blur pink #484
little_dog_photography: sharpend oro and red #482
little_dog_photography: basket burning 2nd #502
little_dog_photography: Basket burrning #499
little_dog_photography: #368-2 I enjoy your knowledgeable criticism.
little_dog_photography: I enjoy your knowledgeable criticism.
little_dog_photography: #367-2 I enjoy your knowledgeable criticism.
little_dog_photography: #369-2 I enjoy your knowledgeable criticism.