Taller de Caligrafia: Other work for the expo "letras a la chilena". Gojira - The way of all flesh, and the tibetan book of the death. Cheers
Taller de Caligrafia: Antimatter - Conspire. Arches text wove, Pentel, Winsor and Newton. One of the three pieces of the expo "Letras a la chilena".
EatWorld: Limbus
Trey Ratcliff: Morning. Coffee. Yellowstone. Fog.
Cláudio Gil: Mens Sana
Bhalalhaika: Chance favours the prepared.. (Featured in the Yahoo Blog: link below)
ChrisGoldNY: Sunset at Venice Beach Basketball Courts - Los Angeles CA
rubénalonso: Caligrafía II
freyavev: Spiralling II
spizh_: Deutsche Sprache — schwierige Sprache
Volaito en Valparaíso: Valpito Tridimensional
Tereza Pires | as papeleiras: detalhes do "cantinho caligráfico"
kadek susanto: '' THE BEAUTY OF LIGHT ''
JSOI: Kappa Irie / Nuff Bullets
samthe8th: A climber in Yangshuo
dannysoar: Cold Labyrinth
Cláudio Gil: Warming up.
TIPOCALI: Quem escreve Pensa
JSOI: FELLA limited
oxblack.com: TheBirdSong
Cláudio Gil: Preparing the sky
Richard Wolf: Pilpilen en el Espejo
Tereza Pires | as papeleiras: a história da caligrafia, by Cláudio Gil
Barbara Calzolari: windowscracy n.1
ebensorkin: almost done
Claudia Stuckrath: Te atrapare!
Crazy Ivory: sick fearless bastard