R Barrow: Chech out my new blog and be sure to subscribe for the latest news and happenings.http://blog.rbarrowimages.com/?p=38
R Barrow: Early Morning sun on the other side of the creek at Richland Greenway here in Nashville, TN just a few days ago.Have A Great Day.
R Barrow: Just a couple of days ago I was visiting the Richland Greenway in Nashville for the first time and found several butterfly around this huge thistle. The sun caught this one just right as I snappedHave a Great Day
R Barrow: Sun coming up as fog was settling into the valley just on the other side of the trees at Peeler Park Greenway early in the Spring.Drop by the website and check out the new look of the site.www.rbarrowimages.comHave a Great Labor day Weekend.
R Barrow: Eastern columbine from the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. Have a Great Day.
R Barrow: A beautifully dramatic sunset at Cowee overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina a few weeks ago. Can't wait to get back.Have a Great Day
R Barrow: Just before sunset one cool evening at an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway a few weeks ago I turn away from the direction of the sun and saw this colorful sight. You never know what's behind you 'til you turn around.Have a Great Day
R Barrow: Soft clouds, soft light. The gentle breeze from our Northward motion. Going home.Have a great day.
R Barrow: An intimate view of a wonder waterfall called Eastatoe near the Blue Ridge Parkway in South Carolina.Have a great day.
R Barrow: It won't be long until we see this again. From the Great Smoky Mountain National Park near the Elkmont campground. Have a great day.
R Barrow: We chased the moon as it rose over the ridge on the Blue Ridge Parkway one night after photographing the sunset. Have a great Day.
R Barrow: I couldn't help myself. Another flower in the same week.Have a great day,
R Barrow: In a floral mood this wonderful Tuesday. This is a Spiderwort from a morning shooting summer flowers on the Blue Ridge Parkway.Have a great day.
R Barrow: If you haven't stood on the top of a mountain to watch the suns first rays of the day paint the sky, I recommend it. Dawn on the Blue Ridge Parkway last week.Have a Great Day
R Barrow: Spent several days up shooting on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The weather could not have been more perfect. This was a little place called Eastatoe Falls.Have a great day
R Barrow: I rarely take interior shits but this was the piano bar on the ship and I love blue. Have a great day.
R Barrow: Sunrise from the Gulf if Mexico on our 26th wedding anniversary. Have great day.
R Barrow: Just returned from a great trip waaaay down south. This is a Capuchin in Gumbalimba park, Roatan, Hondurus taking an afternoon nap. This was exactly what I was doing on the long boat ride home.
R Barrow: Terrie's hydrangeas are really enjoying the mild temperatures and rain we are having as am I. With nature though, everything has to balance out somehow. Have a great day.
R Barrow: Just before sunrise on Folly Island near Charleston, South Carolina. My heart goes out to all who mourn there.
R Barrow: Spent a couple of mornings trekking around Radner Park in Nashville, TN looking for wildlife. Found this Barred Owl majestically perched in a tree scanning for it's next meal.Have a great Fathers Day.
R Barrow: One of my wife beautiful Hydrangeas. They've gotten plenty of rain this spring.Have a great day.
R Barrow: Our dogwood that stands outside our large living room window was ready for Spring but this week the Nashville Ice storm had other plans. Stay safe and have a great day.
R Barrow: Just as I was leaving the smokies a few weeks ago the clouds started descending amongst the mountains so I wound up hanging around for a few more hours and this is what one of the sights.
R Barrow: Clingmans dome just before getting sock in with fog. Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
R Barrow: A few weeks ago at Elkmont campground in the great Smoky Mountains National Park just before heading home.
R Barrow: Tremont. Great Smoky Mountains National Park.