Gandalf's Gallery: John William Godward - Leisure Hours [1905]
Gandalf's Gallery: Lawrence Alma-Tadema - The Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra
Gandalf's Gallery: John William Godward - A Greek Beauty [1905]
Ziel (Postcrosing 2): ibukisatsukifull1671311_37822882492_o
Blue Ruin 1: Merchant's Daughter 1900
Art & Vintage: Evan Wilson (1953- ) "The Peacock Kimono"
Art & Vintage: Pierre Jean Van der Ouderaa "The King of Thule" 1896
Andras Fulop: Consulting the Oracle 046c
hualinh11: Ibuki.Satsuki.full.1671244
hualinh11: Ibuki.Satsuki.full.1671299
tango-: Petra, Jordan, June 2019 425
tango-: Mont St Michel, Normandie, France IMG_20190811_091620
tango-: Oust River, Bretagne, France 214
Maison de l'Alchimiste: Julius Kronberg - Eros
WalrusTexas: flower
Village9991: Strike a Pose II
hualinh11: Ibuki.Satsuki.full.1671277
hualinh11: Ibuki.Satsuki.full.1670595
Ken Lee 2010: 巣鴨信用金庫 志村支店, Sugamo Shinkin Bank Shimura Branch, Tokyo, Japan
takashiyasui: DSCF0573.jpg