RaymondMC: Golden Eagle immature
RaymondMC: Pelican stole a fish from Cormorant
RaymondMC: Bobcat
RaymondMC: Bald Eagle vs. Golden Eagle
RaymondMC: Golden Eagle Hunting
RaymondMC: Coyote
RaymondMC: Hooded Merganser
RaymondMC: Ferruginous Hawk with swollen face
RaymondMC: Red-breasted Sapsucker
RaymondMC: Hooded Merganser
RaymondMC: Golden Eagle
RaymondMC: Golden Eagle
RaymondMC: Leucistic Hummingbird
RaymondMC: Belted Kingfisher
RaymondMC: Golden Eagle
RaymondMC: Prairie Falcon
RaymondMC: Malayan-banded Pita
RaymondMC: White Tailed Kite fighting with Cooper's Hawk
RaymondMC: Townsend's Warbler
RaymondMC: Wood Duck
RaymondMC: Blue Grosbeak
RaymondMC: Northern Reds Bishop
RaymondMC: Brahminy Kite
RaymondMC: Northern Red Bishop
RaymondMC: Golden Eagle
RaymondMC: Great-Horned Owl with squirrel in daylight
RaymondMC: Great Blue Heron with ground Squirrel
RaymondMC: Blue Grosbeak
RaymondMC: Red-shouldered Hawk
RaymondMC: Vermilion Flycatcher