kiernter: Not the same..
kiernter: IMG_5499
kiernter: Male bathipus jumping spider
kiernter: IMG_9664
kiernter: Wet outside
kiernter: Small jumper at 4X
kiernter: Another two-shot stack
kiernter: Horned jumper
kiernter: Mangrove jumper
kiernter: Sunday jumper
Tome Rodrigo: Hypnotic (Phidippus regius)
Tome Rodrigo: Phidippus whitmani
cwteoh1063: Spider
Matthias Lenke: Polierfliege / Lauxaniid fly (Calliopum sp.)
Matthias Lenke: Dorsal view of a jewel beetle (Anthaxia nitidula, female)
Matthias Lenke: Male mayfly / Ephemeroptera
Matthias Lenke: Mayfly / Eintagsfliege / Baetidae
e0nn: Wollongong City Beach
ozdenugu: Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Blueshotphotography: Hyla intermedia and fly
alexander.garin: Death Valley #1344
Mr. dEvEn: Leave the world behind IV (Explore #51)
Iván Maigua: Medemblik
Pepelahuerta: "Arrozales y II"
Pen Araneae: Chrysilla versicolor f. P1170071hd Jordan Valley HK