Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy):
Indigenous People's Park 故宮原住民公園
Alan Ward Wirral:
Wind Turbines Moreton Wirral
López Pablo:
Volcano / Volcan
Stay dry
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy):
Taipei 101 Building
Traveler 旅人:
// 只期待出發的那天,天空是乾淨的、心也是乾淨的,大概像那天下午的陽光和微風吧,很剛好的適合。
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy):
天元宮吉野櫻/Cherry Blossoms
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy):
2020 和平島社靈廟 三府王爺海上游江 /正濱漁港
López Pablo:
Hall / Salon
López Pablo:
Shadows / Sombras
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy):
A 22° halo around the Sun, as seen in the sky . 22度日暈
López Pablo:
The Walls / Las Murallas
López Pablo:
Christmas Lights / Luces Navideñas
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy):
正濱漁港/台灣威尼斯 Zheng Bin Fishing Port