Ravline: European orchard bee flying to insect hotel at our sunny Level 8 Terrace
Ravline: Young male Parrot sitting on Tree Trunk with Nest Hole (female inside)
Ravline: Blackbird with nest building material
Ravline: Great Tit and Family Planning
Ravline: Eurasian Wren singing for Spring
Ravline: Feeding the young ones : the busiest time for my terrace appartement nesting birds
Ravline: Urban Wildlife - Fox
Ravline: Look, Someone's Watching Us ...
Ravline: Protection rapprochée ~ Close Protection
Ravline: Preparing Self-defense
Ravline: Angel Wings Extended
Ravline: Late Spring - Wild Bee on Malva spec.
Ravline: Blossom and Dark-edged Bee-fly to celebrate Spring season
Ravline: Ready to transfer pollen between flowers
Ravline: They fell in love with each other
Ravline: A Brussels House Sparrow, male
Ravline: The New Mallard Generation Twenty-One
Ravline: Early Spring Robin
Ravline: Le Vol du Bourdon - Flight of the Bumblebee - Hummelflug - De vlucht van de hommel
Ravline: Bird Stretching one leg and a wing