CorbeauDeNuit: Trouble Cometh In Threes...
CorbeauDeNuit: This is your Brain on...whatever the heck that stuff is
CorbeauDeNuit: The Snake and The Duke
CorbeauDeNuit: The Pretty Goods--who were actually The Freakin' Awesomes!
CorbeauDeNuit: Mysterious Lab Equipment
CorbeauDeNuit: Lovely Lady Medusa
CorbeauDeNuit: Jammin' to the Pretty Goods
CorbeauDeNuit: Harry OM checks out the latest in evil gadgetry.
CorbeauDeNuit: Erika G goes batty
CorbeauDeNuit: Conversations in the Courtyard
CorbeauDeNuit: Bob V sneaks up on Serge and Dawn
CorbeauDeNuit: A Motley Kitchen Crew
CorbeauDeNuit: Charlie F. takes his turn. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Our fabulous Host, Scott D., operating the custom-made tilt table slab for me. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: "Life is a Slab-eret, old chums...!" (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: GeorgeRRM, Chip, Dawn B.
CorbeauDeNuit: Steve K. selfie with guest Orb and ghost mist. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Wanda D., Victor "Dinosaur Lords" Milan (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Me in a crowd (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Al K., Dante S., Harriet E. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Kennard W. (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Kennard & The Joker (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Overview of the "Main Lab" (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: And the night was still young... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Main door skull (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Skull with flash (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Mike McM heads out to the slab for a closer look (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Awaiting the Creature... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Family portrait by eerie light... Uhm, kinda unnerving.... (SK)
CorbeauDeNuit: Birthday goodies in the gloom (SK)