hechizodeluna: _DSC0555
rosiehardy: Something Spectacular
Walimai.photo: Walking Water
rosiehardy: The Celestial Locomotive
vintage vix - Everything is a miracle: Buff Tip Moth caterpillar
Erwin Vindl: wishes
Walimai.photo: Bom Jesús - Revisited
Botikario.net: Solitude
Javi Calvo: Line 9
Walimai.photo: Roja Rojez /// Red Redness
juanito1948.: Mi bella ciudad de noche.
Darco TT: Sara Pedrero
Erwin Vindl: wordless
Erwin Vindl: the black men
Javi Calvo: Escadas do Mercado do Bolhão
hechizodeluna: _DSC9674 pescaderia