John Tymon: Grey Wagtail - Male ( Winter Plumage )
Mister Oy: Aira Force near Ullswater
hunt.keith27: A Robin and a few interesting facts
wayne.withers1970: Kingfisher
Meinersmann, Thomas: Herbststimmung im Moseltal
hunt.keith27: Bohemian Waxwing and food supply - (Bombycilla g
mollymuff: Winter?
John Tymon: Stonechat - 1st Winter Female
John Tymon: Stonechat - 1st Winter Female
John Tymon: Stonechat - 1st Winter Female
John Tymon: Redpoll
captured by bond: 850_0321-
iancowe: The Royal Victoria Chapel, Netley, Hampshire
Barry & Carole Bowden: Grey Heron (Carole's)
1 denis williams: Grey Wagtail
hunt.keith27: Kingfisher with prey - (F) - (Alcedo atthis) Double click for detail
Bernie Duhamel: Moose Calf - Colorado
Bernie Duhamel: Moose Cow - Colorado