RareCat: Self control is the ability to keep cool while someone is making it hot for you. #ShowThemKindness #GoldenRule #HABD
RareCat: This peace within becomes the harmony without. #WorryNeverClimbedAHill On the Lord's mountain, it will be provided. -Genesis 22:14 #HABD
RareCat: Every word of God is pure: He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. #WorshipPraiseGiveThanksAndTrust #HABN
RareCat: Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. -Psalm 23:6 #HABD
RareCat: The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept." (Gospel of John 11:36) #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD
RareCat: Delilah had to cut seven tresses of hair from Samson's head to render him powerless. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD
RareCat: Delilah had to cut seven tresses
RareCat: I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble. -Rudyard Kipling RareCatDeals.com #RareCatDeals #ROC #HABD
RareCat: The name of the two thieves crucified with Jesus Dismas and Best as. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD
RareCat: The most common name in the Bible is Zechariah. There are thirty-three of them. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD
RareCat: The three wise men were called Balthazar, Casper, and Melchior. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD
RareCat: The first Bible to be published in America was in the language of the Algonquian Indians. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD
RareCat: Do unto others as though you were the others. #Love1Another #OneLove #LoveIsTheEnergyOfLife #LoveIsAllUNeed is #HABD
RareCat: Be gentle to all people. #OneLove #OneWorld #JesusLove #HABD
RareCat: Each person is a unique expression of God's loving design. #JesusLove #HABD
RareCat: Every day is a good day--- some are just better than others. #HappySaturday #SummerDaze #HABD
RareCat: If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine subject for speculation. -William Hazlitt #ThinkAboutIt ~.^) #HABD
RareCat: Politeness comes from within, from the heart. #LoveAndHonor1Another RareCatDeals.com https://www.ebay.com//luckystarscatinthehat
RareCat: A changeless Christ for a changing world. #OneLove #OneWorld #HABD
RareCat: A man is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has. #HaveAGreatWeekEnd & #HABD RareCatDeals.com
RareCat: Teaching is truth mediated by personality. -Phyllis Brooks #ItsAlwaysAboutSpin #HABD
RareCat: Love is enough. #AllUNeedIsLove #LoveIsAllUNeed #HABD
RareCat: Gm friends. #Sunrise #BeattieBeach #LakeOntario #ROC "Give God the Glory" for all he has done in your life. #HABD
RareCat: The best education is not given to students; it is drawn out of them. -Gerald Belcher #PayAttention2UrKids #BecauseTheyRPayingAttention2U #HABD
RareCat: If you are a parent it helps if you are a grown-up. -Eda J. Leshan #PayAttention2UrKids #BecauseTheyRPayingAttention2U #HABD
RareCat: Be kind to everyone you meet. #OneLove #OneWorld #OnePeople #OnePlanet #GoldenRule #HABD
RareCat: Be kind to everyone you meet. #OneLove #OneWorld #OnePeople #OnePlanet #GoldenRule #HABD
RareCat: Hitch your wagon to a star. -Ralph Waldo Emerson #HABD
RareCat: Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day. #EnjoyUrDay
RareCat: Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. -F. P. Jones #UAreMyHeart #LoveUDPT