Cuento de Amapolas: vivo con un zorro
Masha Dubrovskaya: Hand Painted Original Paper Dolls. Girl with raindeer.
whatnomints: The Final Frontier
joseba.eskubi: Técnica mixta. 2012
schinders: Pattern making - beshert
Caroline Byrne: many fantasies were learnt on that day
Caroline Byrne: many fantasies were learnt on that day
vandis: minimita
schinders: Bluth Family Tree
Marcos Fonruge: asfaltico
U.S. National Archives: Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled... 10/1942
U.S. National Archives: "Chippers." Women war workers of Marinship Corp, 1942
Conrad Roset: BLANCO
mirikuzii: monsters are people too
joseba.eskubi: S/T Óleo sobre madera.46 x 38 cm. 2011
...david...: ...gato...
...david...: "te quité de mi cabeza y en tu lugar hice crecer un bosque"
firstladypatate: 23-24/03/2011
firstladypatate: Ouh là là