alexstoddard: Staying grounded.
possessed2fisheye: 41/365 - manbun
jean sept: Everybody Wants One - Exclusive Limited Edition Tree Decoration - Hurry - Order Now While Stocks Last!
alexstoddard: The first time I realized I was living in this world I was probably looking at the sky
alexstoddard: Only Skin
alexstoddard: If I'm lost, please don't find me.
alexstoddard: I can see a way out of this
alexstoddard: Do you want all of me? / Take it.
alexstoddard: Crying land.
alexstoddard: Regeneration.
alexstoddard: Feeling right at home.
alexstoddard: Blue skies are calling.
blavandmaster: Reprise
jean sept: Yes! Friday Is BOGOF Day!
Taylor Wassep: It's The Small Things | Festival
jean sept: Finale (tamed)
jean sept: Fortune's Hostage (tamed)
jean sept: Patriotism's Ever Difficult Pregnancy
lucborell photophones: JEUX DE BATONS stick games
lucborell photophones: COLONNES columns
lucborell photophones: ENTRE TOI ET MOI between you and me
g [the archivist]3: fa02870d86_o
tralala.loordes: Red Riding Hood?? that you scratching at the door???
Tristan Petel: Il est des cœurs pourris, âcres et remplis de haine qui font un terreau parfait pour cultiver le néant.
Tristan Petel: bless their poor souls
Tristan Petel: Les racines du Mal
Tristan Petel: Among those harmonious and regular trees there was another one slightly apart, it was quirky but its red leaves were a gift to looking at, but also extremely fragile.
Tristan Petel: coveted Venom
Tristan Petel: Sacrifice