-hndrk-: Biking in Amsterdam
-hndrk-: All ears
-hndrk-: A Christmas blessing
-hndrk-: Which way?
-hndrk-: Coming down
Frank Hendriks Photography: No matter how old you are now. You are never too young or too old for success or going after what you want.
josedeoliveiraveiga19: IMG_20210707_101343
AurelioZen: Beeld en Geluid - Atrium
Romeo Heger: France / Strasbourg - Ponts Couverts [Explore - 2024-12-05]
judith.kuhn: winter epilogue
judith.kuhn: For, behold, the Lord will come with fire (Is. 66:15)
judith.kuhn: two one a branch
judith.kuhn: Creator's hour
Norbert Wegner: colorful
ricketdi: Mourning Warbler / Paruline triste ( Diane )
memoryweaver: Harvest Bounty.
nkguyot: Spring is there
nkguyot: Coccinelle à sept points
claude lina: Petite salle des guichets, Musée de la Banque Nationale de Belgique, Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères, Bruxelles, Belgique
claude lina: Eglise Saint-Nicolas depuis la terrasse de la Bourse, Bruxelles, Belgique
ornella sartore: The bodyguards
hph46: Manarola
jp42: Le Chateau Frontenac
brackenb: Seriously Pretty