manfred-hartmann: ... noerdlich von afrika ;-)
AnyMotion: Happy Caturday
manfred-hartmann: abends an der elbe
hlh 1960: TREE BY SUNRISE P3043731
manfred-hartmann: ... hamburger nacht
stocks photography: end of days These faces in the mirrors Are but the shadows and phantoms of myself.
nguyentruyen344: Walker Canyon Lake Elsinore wild flower- Explored
NigelJE: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
Ania Tuzel Photography: Light Display
Gerd Kozik Fotografie: Waiting for the day
Peter Quinn1: Cloudy November Evening
Brad Eide: Enjoying the sunrise . . . Explore 17-01-2017 #2
Bill Bowman: Grace in Death
Rafel Cabot-Mesquida: Storms don't last forever
StuMcMillan: Hermanus at Sunrise
Petra Runge: Beach sculpture
Anto Camacho: Magical
Blai Figueras: Iocantem cum Helios
peterphot: Physalis/Laternenblume
AnyMotion: A New Day Is Dawning
Philipp Klinger Photography: Rhue Lighthouse II
Philipp Klinger Photography: Mont Saint-Michel Hot & Cold
keresmkmk: DSC_0664
Hans Zitzler: tagged oak
AnyMotion: Weekend Dancers