RankothCJ: Morning Cheetah
RankothCJ: Yellow Crowned Canary
RankothCJ: Lappet-faced Vulture
RankothCJ: cj.photos-_CJ_4971.jpg
RankothCJ: Lion Cub, Inquisitive
RankothCJ: Cheetah Cubs cant chill! :-)
RankothCJ: We might not make it to camp dry
RankothCJ: Now cute maybe, In 8-9 years, this will one of the scariest things in the world.
RankothCJ: Hippo
RankothCJ: This way children: Male Ostrich and chicks
RankothCJ: Male Ostrich
RankothCJ: Lioness
RankothCJ: Leopard again! Hiding the canopy
RankothCJ: Brothers!
RankothCJ: White Rhino Gang. Hot Day...
RankothCJ: Cheetah on the prowl...
RankothCJ: Topi in the sky
RankothCJ: Last Morning!
RankothCJ: Weaver 2
RankothCJ: African Grey Crowned Crane
RankothCJ: A bloody White-backed Vulture
RankothCJ: Male Lion; It's a majestic walk #2
RankothCJ: This morning was all about walking with a pride of lions...
RankothCJ: Tawny eagle Landing!
RankothCJ: Good Morning Kenya, what is the plan for today?
RankothCJ: A Lonely tree, Morning Sky, Venus, and the Crescent Moon
RankothCJ: cj.photos-_CJ_0454.jpg
RankothCJ: Maasai Mara!
RankothCJ: Morning! Yawn it out!
RankothCJ: African Blue Flycatcher torpedo