caboose_rodeo: 2023 Fryeburg Fair
horticultural art: 63889.02 Tropaeolum majus 'Jewel Mix'
Trish Mayo: Les Serpents De La Guerre
urtica: bug of the day
Trish Mayo: Modern Cliff Dwelling
Punk Dolphin: _DSF9153
Trish Mayo: Passing Cloud
Ingrid!: In #philadelphia for my 3 month post op. #smile - #philly loves you. All good with surgery, everything healed the way it was supposed to. still have some pain but all in all better. #window #heart #love
horticultural art: 62296.01 Nipponanthemum nipponicum
Trish Mayo: Sleeping With The Tulips
Trish Mayo: A Heavenly Harp
Pulpolux !!!: IMG_0119
Pulpolux !!!: IMG_0122
Pulpolux !!!: IMG_0126
horticultural art: 61722.01 Hosta
bruce grant: à esperar...
Jef Poskanzer: Silverado 10
Jef Poskanzer: chevyvan 20
bruce grant: todos caem...
wirehead: Space travel
jurvetson: Casting Magic 🌙 Spells
horticultural art: 59957.01 Acer platanoides , Asparagus officinalis, Cornus kousa, Hosta, Rhus glabra, Hemerocallis, Miscanthus sinensis