Tom Hilton: Westport Whale
tlong: Not sure why they gave us all these extra pieces.
tlong: Cool thing I just found on my kitchen table. #notahoarder
Noro8: Twins
jyaus: McDonald's math is as good as their food.
sean_g_thomas: April Visit with Grandpa John
jyaus: Sunny selfie
Shaketini: Tipsy finger #nye #newyears2015
Generik11: Smoke Break
sepasky: IMG_0853
Generik11: Can't Be Contained
DCZia: View out my back door. You can see the 6+ inches of snow piled on the deck railing.
DCZia: Oh, nothin'. Just doing some work.
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: GREECE Mission Launching Into Aurora
sepasky: Screen Shot 2013-12-30 at 2.00.25 PM
DCZia: Our street. Normally a busy commuter/bus route at this time of the morning. Not today. It's so quiet out that you can listen to the snowfall.
DCZia: Crazy children celebrating a Giants touchdown.
State Library and Archives of Florida: Scene from a high school dance in Tallahassee, Florida
State Library and Archives of Florida: Unidentified photographer monitoring Democratic primary election results in Tallahassee, Florida
State Library and Archives of Florida: Hialeah welcome sign featuring the likeness of Jack Tigertail
it's better than bad: best wishes from your friends on sesame street 1981
it's better than bad: knights inn reynoldsburg ohio
State Library and Archives of Florida: Everglades Lounge at the Clewiston Inn: Clewiston, Florida
sfcitymom: Had to document my very first time voting as a new US citizen!
State Library and Archives of Florida: Ringling Circus clown Emmett Kelly in a bubble bath: Sarasota, Florida
sfcitymom: Streaming the #sfgiants game outdoors on the iPad. #SFheatwave. Photo taken in the 9th before the #sfgiants win and the hubs was still stressed.
tlong: that moon
tlong: Buddies
tlong: baby blues