Betina La Plante: Rare Stamps
mosippy: punk'in
mosippy: domino
Manlio Castagna: Simona por la "calle"
KristanneV: Sweet Canon
Andrea McClain: 56 - 365
*trevj ( Marathon [Wo]man
*trevj ( Grin and bear it
Rod Anzaldua: Hey there!
Andrea McClain: 52 - 365
andzer: Escape the nest somehow..
☼Ourania2005: Going out see you tomorrow
Nancy Rose: Huh?? Did you get a new lens, Nancy???
☼Ourania2005: keep walking ... (on the beach)
*Karo*: only shooting stars break the mold
☼Ourania2005: first and then ... see in comments :
Andrea McClain: Beautiful
Andrea McClain: Photography Project #15
*Karo*: sometimes I get a sweet one, but they're mostly like this
Andrea McClain: Earth's Music
*trevj ( At Peace : 處於和平(或和睦)狀態
*trevj ( Shooting on the fly
Lees2dent: Good Morning to you . . .
*Karo*: look closely
KT of Lake Orion: There is no substitute for hard work.
kevin dooley: Lighthouse
Singing With Light: Back in the day
kevin dooley: Insignificant