Tom Simpson:
Cover by Erol Otis for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Illusionist by Jeff Dee for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Cleric vs. Mind Flayer by Erol Otis for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Bard at the bar by David S. LaForce (Diesel) for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Paladin and Warhorse by Darlene Pekul for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Monk by Jeff Dee for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Illustration by Erol Otis for The Rogues Gallery (1980)
Tom Simpson:
Back cover by Erol Otis for The Rogues Gallery (1980)