RamblingCatastrophe: Masterpiece Prowl
RamblingCatastrophe: Henkei Hound
RamblingCatastrophe: United Wheeljack
RamblingCatastrophe: Universe Classics Darkwind w/ Renderform upgrade kit
RamblingCatastrophe: Slipstream on My Monitor
RamblingCatastrophe: Collector's Club Slipstream
RamblingCatastrophe: Universe Classics Hardhead w/ Headrobots Upgrade
RamblingCatastrophe: Collector's Club Depth Charge
RamblingCatastrophe: Botcon 2007 Weirdwolf
RamblingCatastrophe: E-hobby United Kup w/ Igear head
RamblingCatastrophe: Henkei Smokescreen
RamblingCatastrophe: Generations Scourge
RamblingCatastrophe: Robots on My Desk
RamblingCatastrophe: United Wipeout
RamblingCatastrophe: Universe 2.0 Dragstrip
RamblingCatastrophe: Robot Spirts V2 Victory Two Gundam
RamblingCatastrophe: Generations Blurr
RamblingCatastrophe: United Lugnut
RamblingCatastrophe: First Edition Optimus Prime w/ Dr Wu Silver Blaster
RamblingCatastrophe: Henkei Astrotrain
RamblingCatastrophe: Henkei Megatron
RamblingCatastrophe: Generations Darkmount
RamblingCatastrophe: Collector's Club Dion
RamblingCatastrophe: Masterpiece Thundercracker
RamblingCatastrophe: HFTD Terradive
RamblingCatastrophe: Galaxy Force Soundwave
RamblingCatastrophe: Reveal the Shield Grapple
RamblingCatastrophe: Reveal the Shield Perceptor