Pianojan: Attacking the Tree
Hank888: Railway Bridge
SimonHMiles: Bosherston Lily Ponds, Pembrokeshire
Hank888: Dalian YingGeShi Botanical Gardens
Karsten Gieselmann: Sunset dancer
Taomeister: Fauntleroy-Southworth Hangout on the XZ-2
里卡豆: 長崎路面電車|長崎 Nagasaki
Notkalvin: Up Oculus
Trevan Hiersche: Arctic October Morning
Trevan Hiersche: Through Driftwood
Trevan Hiersche: Wild Artistry
tvdflickr: Marching to the Tune of a Different Tuba
J. A. Robertson: Palm Leaf, Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay, New York
Karsten Gieselmann: Brick house
Omygodtom: New growth.
Timothy Gilbert: Saltash Waterside
Karsten Gieselmann: Light into the dark
Tim Ravenscroft: St Albans Abbey
azminphoto: Sunrise
Omygodtom: Summer Clicks.
里卡豆: 只見線第二鐵橋|日本東北
里卡豆: 弘前城|Hirosaki
mgirard011: La prière de l'épinette noire II
thor_mark : Beautiful Mountains While the Shores of Johnson Lake (Banff National Park)
felipe bosolito: 63120018
Andrew G Robertson: The Man from Atlantis