Raisin Girl: This place hasn't changed a bit.
Raisin Girl: BURFDAYYYY!!
Raisin Girl: I don't think I've been out this early in ages. Caught up with some awesome people!
Raisin Girl: Hadley with a flower in her hair
Raisin Girl: The bathroom at P&H #Memphis
Raisin Girl: Graffiti at the P&H #memphis
Raisin Girl: I felt like friggin Picasso when I was done with Nate's cake today.
Raisin Girl: I started dancing the second I put my hands on these bad boys. #prince
Raisin Girl: Nate'a bday is the BEST because he likes to go antiquing here and they always have amazing vinyl on the cheap!
Raisin Girl: Town & Gown makes me miss Lee now. :(
Raisin Girl: When my #cat is asleep, I pretend that he loves me.
Raisin Girl: I have a strange feeling that Nate's been creeping around while Jade and I watch the #walkingdead and picking up a little here and there. His Woody doll looks an awful lot like The Governor, no?
Raisin Girl: Happy Valentine's Day to meeeee... from meeee. :D #Book lovers never go to bed alone.
Raisin Girl: Who am I? A ham, a needy little girl, a dreamer, a clown, a hopeless romantic, a dork, a nerd, a disco queen, an Alice-Walker quotin', Tori-Amos lovin' goddess, a peace queer, a pro-choicin', gay weddin', Widespread Panic diggin' lazy ass hippie. I'm all
Raisin Girl: It's a #Lent Photo #Challenge, y'all. Let's do this!
Raisin Girl: I don't want Lee to move to Texas, even if it means I get a stack of Rufus Wainwright posters, but it's about the nicest consolation prize I've ever gotten when a man left me.
Raisin Girl: Friends fo' LIFE. Seriously, these are my ride or dies, right here.
Raisin Girl: Catching up with a dear old friend this weekend was the best - I wish we could do this every Saturday, but I guess then it wouldn't be "catching up"!
Raisin Girl: My favorite part about this pic? Nate saw it and said, "I look so cool." #moustache
Raisin Girl: Hey, @amandathomthom check out this weird pic of us. Pretty neat/creepy, no?? Anyone notice why it's so odd? It took my mom a minute to figure it out, though she knew right away something was "off" about it!
Raisin Girl: I'm going to miss how #mainstreet looked during #christmas. #smalltown #mississippi #ig_ms #iphonography
Raisin Girl: Some weird puffy thing on a #leaf that I found at #church a few weeks ago. #nature #mississippi #ig_ms
Raisin Girl: Playing around with #tinyplanet ... and #hashtags. It's amazing how much attention those things garner. It's just #crazy to watch how they work... But still, dozens of hashtags are #tacky and annoying. #conundrum
Raisin Girl: Princess Brandi
Raisin Girl: Grrrrr
Raisin Girl: Hula Hoop
Raisin Girl: Dip n' Dot
Raisin Girl: Me and Keb' Mo'
Raisin Girl: I dunno who the guy is with Chuck
Raisin Girl: Chuck meets Warren Haynes