The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 410 of "Die ersten Menschen und die prähistorischen Zeiten, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Urbewohner Amerikas. Nach dem gleichnamigen Werke des Marquis de Nadaillac herausgegeben von W. Schlösser und E. Sele
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 157 of "La Perse. Géographie, histoire, mœurs, gouvernement. Orné de ... gravures"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 109 of "Our Radicals. A tale of love and politics ... Edited, with preface, by ... J. Percival Hughes [With a facsimile.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 25 of "Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, during the autumn of 1823, while on his third voyage to Africa; by the late T. E. Bowdich ... To which is added, by Mrs. Bowdich, I. A Narrative of the continuance of
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 308 of "Lilliput Lyrics ... Edited by R. Brimley Johnson. Illustrated by Chas. Robinson"
amanda acker:
hay baby
john hanson.:
john hanson.:
john hanson.:
amanda acker:
arrows bellow
amanda acker:
forced bloom
amanda acker:
careful steps