rainerralph: Festhalle
rainerralph: Spreebogen
rainerralph: walk over bridges
rainerralph: HH HafenCity
rainerralph: vertical horizontal
rainerralph: father&son
rainerralph: Faroe islands land of maybe - Drangarnir
rainerralph: lazy sunday morning
rainerralph: Light stripes
rainerralph: Razor sharp
rainerralph: read the newspaper
rainerralph: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
rainerralph: placed on glass
rainerralph: behind glass and trees
rainerralph: piña colada shot
rainerralph: friends I
rainerralph: Schwedenhaus - Nordfassade
rainerralph: \\\\\\\
rainerralph: Rotterdam once again
rainerralph: Photo art connoisseurs
rainerralph: Karo_1
rainerralph: stairs behind glass
rainerralph: behind a concrete monument
rainerralph: Berlinische gallery
rainerralph: dialogue on the Spree
rainerralph: Speisegesellschaft - Dining society
rainerralph: shades of blue