chihoi: graphite in quartz
王春子chuen-tz: ㄎㄡㄎㄡㄎㄡ是什麼聲音啊?
王春子chuen-tz: 再見吧!橄欖樹
{amanda}: Wreathe
joanneliuyunn: !!!
王春子chuen-tz: 《鄉間小路》3月.青蔥、洋蔥
lyy214: Hello愛太郎_04
John&Fish: #770 黃鷺慈顧
joanneliuyunn: banners
joanneliuyunn: happy chinese new year
a_KAI: It's just the way...
joanneliuyunn: Happy city
joanneliuyunn: the first christmas...card
joanneliuyunn: 7-zebra
joanneliuyunn: for god so loved the world
joanneliuyunn: fearfully and wonderfully made
John&Fish: #690 黃腹春萌 Spring is Here !
{amanda}: She Floats