Railway Photographer Frog: HST Paddington Oct 2012
Railway Photographer Frog: Matthew Taylor's Scania R730 V8
Railway Photographer Frog: R L Taylors Scania R480
Railway Photographer Frog: R L Taylor's Scania R480
Railway Photographer Frog: Volvo FH 4x2 Britannia Lanes
Railway Photographer Frog: Volvo FH Britannia Lanes
Railway Photographer Frog: Dave Crowson's Scania 93m 210
Railway Photographer Frog: Dave Crowson's Scania 93m
Railway Photographer Frog: Scania 143m 450 (not 500)
Railway Photographer Frog: Hart's Volvo FMX
Railway Photographer Frog: Yes, It's Britainnia.
Railway Photographer Frog: 5526 GWR 2-6-2T (In BR Nat Black Livery)
Railway Photographer Frog: Pannier Tank 1369
Railway Photographer Frog: 78019 BR Standard Class 2 2-6-0
Railway Photographer Frog: Britannia 70000 BR Standard Class 7
Railway Photographer Frog: Class 73 - 73 119 Borough of Eastleigh on the WSR
Railway Photographer Frog: Yes, The good old 73
Railway Photographer Frog: 78019 SDR (South Devon Railway)
Railway Photographer Frog: 5553 Getting Coupled WSR
Railway Photographer Frog: Class 08 08377 in BR Green at the WSR
Railway Photographer Frog: Cross Country HST at Plymouth.
Railway Photographer Frog: 73119 (water not required!)