Jim Harris: Artist.: Autonomous Reconnaissance Probe - KMT-2023-BLG-1743L b.
Michael.Kemper: Switzerland / Bernese Oberland - Grimsel Pass (left) and Furka Pass (middle/right)
Re Ca: Kap Arkona
eric t*: Connectée // Connected
Rodolfo Cartas: Olympiaberg
Ralf Bothge: Don't think twice
GiuseppeFuji: Golfo di Trieste
GiuseppeFuji: Details of Trieste
Mélisande*: Snakey by Yossi Nir
Ralf Bothge: Don't think twice
teamperks: IMG_2725
Ilhuicamina: Citlaltepetl
geozilla: This is the way... (Explored 07-21-23)
jade:\: J.M.