シロー: IMGP3266-2
akahigeg: K_1_8216.jpg
Northernstar28**: I've Looked at Clouds From Both Sides Now
akahigeg: K52S0171.jpg
akahigeg: K3_28591.jpg
akahigeg: KS2_0896.jpg
spiegellos: flower composition
Ares T: Ricoh GXR A12 mount Leica Summilux 50mm f1.4 TypeII
Ares T: Ricoh GXR A12 mount Leica Summilux 50mm f1.4 TypeII
ebaebajpn: cosmos
ebaebajpn: cosmos
ebaebajpn: GXR+MOUNT A12
ebaebajpn: GXR+MOUNT A12
Lokman.L: The Pressure Gauge
takasuii: red brick steps and greens
paintographyuk: memories are made this way
paintographyuk: nectar collector
paintographyuk: sunset with geese
mumkmrs: P1020786
mumkmrs: P1030042
mumkmrs: P1030075
mumkmrs: P1030077
mumkmrs: P1030222
mumkmrs: P1030217