blooddrainer: IMG_5319
Graham`s pics: Pitlochry Dam
showmesavings: View From My Balcony- Sunrise At North Beach, MD
aliffc3: Palmengarten
HansHolt: Mahonia, red and green leaves
grizzleur: inaudible.melodies
galkojan: Kingfisher
stevenoldak1: Stuart Fla
Graham`s pics: Killiecrankie
leonbeu: Trr.
Angel@ T@ylor: LEST WE FORGET
Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm 2.8 Macro
stevenoldak1: My Poor little FIAT, all alone in this World.....Fla.
Mateusz Koziatek: WestJet 🇨🇦 Boeing 737-700 C-GUWJ
Snuffy: Cod and Chips with Coleslaw, Olde Yorke Fish and Chips, 96 Laird Drive, East York, Toronto, ON
Missy Jussy: The Old & The New ... see info below
Jürgen Schillat: Peer Gynt Suite - Morgenstimmung-7041.jpg
Angel@ T@ylor: Rainy days blue. Autumn Gala.
alainpere407: Jusqu'à ce que le vent se lève...Untill the wind rises...
Mateusz Koziatek: Flybe 🇬🇧️ Embraer ERJ-195 G-FBEF
s_gulfidan: Bursa kırsalı
stevenoldak1: Signs Signs, Everywhere a Sign
Haytham M.: We Remember
VitorJK: Florestas de Portugal - Bussaco - N1008
Me now0: _DSC0194_Selo Stojkite do Pamporovo Rodopi
grumpybaldprof: fabulous exhibition of medieval column capitals, some 1,000 years old, Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Occitanie, France
adamopal: Husk