radiostaticstar: "The Great Easter Buffalo Enjoys a Vacation in Europe" - Walter Hook #vscocam #thriftshopart #WalterHook
radiostaticstar: Fresh from my garden, the best part of summer! #vscocam #sunsugar
radiostaticstar: Just me & my Whopper dog, chillin', pic-nic-in' solo, as you do. #vscocam #WhopperDog
radiostaticstar: Some dollar bin #thriftshoprecords from this week's digging. #vscocam
radiostaticstar: Two days ago, a big dumb bird landed on my columbine & broke it.
radiostaticstar: Hey Mister! Nice Wiener! #bunderful #wienermobile #vscocam
radiostaticstar: Jack-O-Lantern are go! #halloween #nofilter #vscocam
radiostaticstar: I feel the same way #Casper... #Surge @cocacola #vscocam
radiostaticstar: "The Oil That Creeps", hard to imagine creepy oil not catching on. Yet another of the random things found in the basement. #nofilter #vscocam
radiostaticstar: Sunflower & Bee #nofilter #vscocam
radiostaticstar: Flying out of a city who's sun has set, to then catch up with as it sets further west, was really cool to see! #nofilter #vscocam #sunset #noobtraveler
radiostaticstar: One last shot, flying out of #Chicago #vscocam #nofilter #aerial #citylights
radiostaticstar: Fare thee well, Chicago... #nofilter #aerial #vscocam
radiostaticstar: That King leisure view... ...Crowne Plaza Metro Chicago #vscocam #nofilter #Chicago
radiostaticstar: Is that a bat? I think that's a bat. Oh, i'm sorry, its a #Batcolumn. #ClaesOldenburg #HaroldWashingtonSSC #Chicago
radiostaticstar: Catching the sunsetting from Chicago's West Side #nofilter #sunset #vscocam
radiostaticstar: Lurking outside @threadless as they finish setting up for #threadlessfr14 #lurker #vscocam
radiostaticstar: Riding above the clouds is way too cool. #vscocam #nofilter
radiostaticstar: Leaving the Tri-Cities for #threadlessfr14 My 3rd plane trip & first flight since 2000! #nofilter #vscocam
radiostaticstar: When success is an empty room. #movingsucks #vscocam
radiostaticstar: I'm contributing 7, 8oz jars of my Apricot Jam to
radiostaticstar: Sausage Fest Parachute II #latergram
radiostaticstar: Sausage Fest Parachute #nofilter
radiostaticstar: I'm really going to miss this in the coming months, nothing beats fresh tomatoes! Also, ghost peppers! #nofilter #mygarden
radiostaticstar: Hard to believe this was only a month ago. Feels like an eternity, but also yesterday. #nofilter
radiostaticstar: Dog is my co-pilot. Chillin' like a good boy does.
radiostaticstar: Another day, another flat of tomatoes.
radiostaticstar: Band of Horses
radiostaticstar: Fare thee well, Oregon Coast, until we meet again...
radiostaticstar: U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Reference Mark