Vegan Gaymer: #ramonathecat
Vegan Gaymer: CocteauBoy and Josè reunited with Simon Raymonde at Beautiful Noise documentary debut
Vegan Gaymer: BFFs for Breakfast
Vegan Gaymer: "I DIED FOR YOUR SINS"
skeetmurp: Arlington sunset
Vegan Gaymer: T(e)LEBobby Sandwich
Vegan Gaymer: Moonfeather Sandwich
Vegan Gaymer: IT CAME FROM SPACE - (my new space gun toy)
Vegan Gaymer: Breakfast at Casa de BFF cyprusblu
Vegan Gaymer: Beautiful BFF
Brooklyn RobotWorks: Brooklyn Ironhide
Brooklyn RobotWorks: Brooklyn Optimus Prime v7
Brooklyn RobotWorks: "Freedom..."
Brooklyn RobotWorks: "In the name of freedom..."
Brooklyn RobotWorks: Brooklyn Ironhide...
Brooklyn RobotWorks: Brooklyn Optimus Prime
Vegan Gaymer: Cyprus, Troy, Ann, Bobby, Jana part ways from #msecg2012
Vegan Gaymer: Pixel, waiting at the vet
Vegan Gaymer: City Squirrel eating Cupcake
Vegan Gaymer: This Country (and planet) is big enough for all of our Love #msecg2012
Vegan Gaymer: Somehow, getting a haircut didn't make my face any less fat!
Vegan Gaymer: Ramona, settling to our new home
Vegan Gaymer: High Haircut!
Vegan Gaymer: Friendship Wall: finally getting stuff up on my walls! Thanks BF Bobby!
Vegan Gaymer: Meeting @ChrisHayes at Brooklyn Book Festival was such a swell treat!
Vegan Gaymer: Happy Birthday @CyprusBlu We Love You!
Vegan Gaymer: Family Game Night as I work
Vegan Gaymer: Happy Birthday Bobby!
Vegan Gaymer: Bobby's Birthday Eve
brittney williford: 20100901_0157