radargeek: A returning smile
radargeek: Playing a tune
radargeek: Playing in the eating hall
radargeek: Singing with soul
radargeek: Robin
radargeek: Beaten again!
radargeek: Can't believe his luck!
radargeek: Keeping the gift store running smoothly
radargeek: One big happy ..... where did he come from?!
radargeek: Honey Blonde
radargeek: Take the stage
radargeek: Texas - Biggest and Best
radargeek: Taking aim
radargeek: Thrilled that someone recognized her tat
radargeek: Spawn tattoo
radargeek: The Big Texan (and bull!)
radargeek: Big Texan Motel
radargeek: Woody is making peace with the locals
radargeek: A unique way of patching the floor
radargeek: Playing a tune
radargeek: Taking requests and rocking them
radargeek: Extra decorated hats
radargeek: A glow above the challengers table
radargeek: Classic country
radargeek: Handing over a gelato with a smile and photobomber
radargeek: Photographing the entertainment
radargeek: Cowboy hat trio
radargeek: Let there be steak!
radargeek: Looking down from above
radargeek: Ready for a challenger