radargeek: Getting used to the snow
radargeek: A game of keep away
radargeek: Full speed ahead!
radargeek: Pep rally '95
radargeek: Shooting the free throw
radargeek: Academic Bowl team
radargeek: Lining up to shoot the free throw
radargeek: Ready to catch her
radargeek: Listening
radargeek: The National Anthem
radargeek: Teacher at the free throw
radargeek: Teacher at the free throw
radargeek: Teacher at the free throw
radargeek: Announcing the swim team
radargeek: Announcing the basketball team
radargeek: Last one in the bleachers
radargeek: Tears of joy
radargeek: Sitting at the end of the bar
radargeek: Cha Cha
radargeek: The evening cat
radargeek: Carnival games out front
radargeek: Amazing the crowd
radargeek: Put your hands together for Lesbiana Grande
radargeek: Entertaining the crowd
radargeek: Ring Leader for the evening
radargeek: Emerging from the clowns mouth
radargeek: A CanCan attitude
radargeek: Gathering to take a bow
radargeek: Letting the dart go
radargeek: Cha Cha calling the shots