Rachel Sokal:
Sues lovely cyanotype onto cotton-web
Rachel Sokal:
cyano 23-3-13 - web
Rachel Sokal:
"My favourite print of the day!"
Rachel Sokal:
Dirk and his Collodion neg Cyanotype print
Rachel Sokal:
DirkDirk's Collodion neg Cyanotype print
Rachel Sokal:
Creative Cyanotype Worksop III
Rachel Sokal:
Becca and her first print of the day
Rachel Sokal:
Trenna gets down to it after lunch
Rachel Sokal:
Creative Cyanotype Workshop I
Rachel Sokal:
Creative Cyanotype Workshop I
Rachel Sokal:
Salt Print Flower
Rachel Sokal:
Projected Identity I
Rachel Sokal:
Proojected Identity II
Rachel Sokal:
Camera Obscura - Bristol I
Rachel Sokal:
Camera Obscura - Bristol II
Rachel Sokal:
Unfurl I in situ
Rachel Sokal:
Living Echo exhibition
Rachel Sokal:
Unfurl II
Rachel Sokal:
Living Echo II
Rachel Sokal:
Living Echo I
Rachel Sokal:
Fixing Salt Prints
Rachel Sokal:
completed Salt Prints
Rachel Sokal:
Some of the completed Salt Prints
Rachel Sokal:
Drying off a Salt Print heart
Rachel Sokal:
Carefully prepared overlay for Salt Print
Rachel Sokal:
Placing acetates and object over the cyanotype paper
Rachel Sokal:
finished cyanotypes
Rachel Sokal:
revealing exposed cyanotypes!
Rachel Sokal:
designing cyanotype
Rachel Sokal:
cyanotype nude on cotton