Rachel Boom Boom:
GI Rachel
Rachel Boom Boom:
Regulation hoisery
Rachel Boom Boom:
Time to inspect the upper decks
Rachel Boom Boom:
"Officer on Deck!"
Rachel Boom Boom:
Rachel Boom Boom:
Do I really have to clean the heads again?
Rachel Boom Boom:
I don't stand for any nonsense!
Rachel Boom Boom:
Carry on Nurse?
Rachel Boom Boom:
By Jove I think she's got it!!!!
Rachel Boom Boom:
May I take your pulse?
Rachel Boom Boom:
Rushed off my feet today...
Rachel Boom Boom:
Wouldn't YOU like to know what's in my fridge?...
Rachel Boom Boom:
Hard at work
Rachel Boom Boom:
Time for a breather
Rachel Boom Boom:
Captain Darling?
Rachel Boom Boom:
Captain Boom Boom, R
Rachel Boom Boom:
That's better!
Rachel Boom Boom:
Slippy shoes!
Rachel Boom Boom:
Patient's discretion
Rachel Boom Boom:
Nicely aligned
Rachel Boom Boom:
Prim and proper
Rachel Boom Boom:
Quiet moment at the War Office
Rachel Boom Boom:
Rachel Boom Boom:
Resting after rounds
Rachel Boom Boom:
Genuine doctors and nurses furniture
Rachel Boom Boom:
Cleaner than your average nurse
Rachel Boom Boom:
Now just take a deep breath and try to relax...
Rachel Boom Boom:
Seeking refuge from Captain Bitey
Rachel Boom Boom:
There we are
Rachel Boom Boom:
Hey I'm not quite ready!