Rachel Boom Boom: Hangin out with the Mysterons
Rachel Boom Boom: Dining with the delectable Hannah
Rachel Boom Boom: I also joined Miss Martin for dinner and drinks
Rachel Boom Boom: Jeans button in peril
Rachel Boom Boom: Off to Ollivanders with Hannah
Rachel Boom Boom: Rachel, one of many lovely new friends
Rachel Boom Boom: Caboose Jeans
Rachel Boom Boom: Bearing my middle for LFF
Rachel Boom Boom: Rachel Bouncin Booty...
Rachel Boom Boom: Custom pedi
Rachel Boom Boom: "So just go over there and look back??"
Rachel Boom Boom: Do not adjust your set...
Rachel Boom Boom: Big love to all the LFF-ers!!
Rachel Boom Boom: Blasted luggage rack!
Rachel Boom Boom: BB defends her territory from the luggage rack...
Rachel Boom Boom: Shoo shot
Rachel Boom Boom: One... last... thing!
Rachel Boom Boom: Breaking in ma jeans
Rachel Boom Boom: Shock! Horror!! BB's In Trainahs!!!
Rachel Boom Boom: I don't know what came over me...
Rachel Boom Boom: Back into my stride
Rachel Boom Boom: The BB clones did not get on.
Rachel Boom Boom: Blink and you'll miss me go past...
Rachel Boom Boom: Where it begins
Rachel Boom Boom: And where it ends
Rachel Boom Boom: Giving a guy his best check in ever!
Rachel Boom Boom: You'd think I hated my toes!
Rachel Boom Boom: Bardot Boom?
Rachel Boom Boom: Dining with Jen
Rachel Boom Boom: Doubletree bar