note.worthy: if it means a lot to you
note.worthy: come my way
note.worthy: endlessly
note.worthy: like we did
note.worthy: growing up
note.worthy: eat your heart out
note.worthy: some days
note.worthy: so fill your head with what's important and forget the rest
note.worthy: you're impossible
note.worthy: the season
note.worthy: sing me sweet
note.worthy: something left to give
note.worthy: on forgetting
note.worthy: your every color
note.worthy: meet you there
note.worthy: an ode to maybe
note.worthy: where is my mind
note.worthy: “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”
note.worthy: "It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air."
note.worthy: lightness
note.worthy: don't panic
note.worthy: can't go back now
note.worthy: lost in stereo