Sharpee: PK Group Hug 2012 with Ms. V and Ate Merly
Eric Austria: Urban Chic
imago2007 (BUSY): i sometimes dream in myriad shades of gray
Maì: East Coast in Autumn
imago2007 (BUSY): there are those moments when i see my world clearly, when i don't look at it through rose-colored glasses, in those moments i can see that my world is real, and it is as rich as an overture 18/52
maraculio: Remember Your Victories
harven™: Waiting For My Catch
imago2007 (BUSY): briefly popping in
Maì: The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.
imago2007 (BUSY): finding the song that i can sing - 13/52
RuCus: The Reciprocal
Soul101: Beneath the Trees
Lenareh™: ~Morning Gems~
imago2007 (BUSY): "sweet springtime is my time is your time is our time, for springtime is love time and viva sweet love."
millan p. rible: in between
Soul101: When I'm with You
harven™: Sunrise Moment
soumitra911: Good Morning !!
dhilung: Spirit of water (2)
imago2007 (BUSY): a splash of red to cure my Monday blues
ºJoZeLº: McSmiley
Seahawk.: Daybreak
Seahawk.: "As I travel East...
Maì: I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
millan p. rible: winter of discontent
dhilung: Lamentation of the solitude