quite peculiar: waiting at a restaurant with the longest wait time in ireland
quite peculiar: we waited an hour for this
quite peculiar: at the airport of connamara, on our way to inishmore
quite peculiar: declan has a look at a pamplet
quite peculiar: woman in front of the airplane
quite peculiar: IMG_5601
quite peculiar: the runway, connamara
quite peculiar: sitting before the controls
quite peculiar: the controls and dials
quite peculiar: up in the air
quite peculiar: looking down on the coast of connamara
quite peculiar: coastline of connamara
quite peculiar: the controls in action
quite peculiar: our pilot who flew straight and true
quite peculiar: coming up on the island of aran
quite peculiar: it's getting closer
quite peculiar: getting closer to inishmore
quite peculiar: starting to fly over inishmore
quite peculiar: the coastline of inishmore
quite peculiar: going over inishmore
quite peculiar: the greenery of inishmore
quite peculiar: looking down on inishmore
quite peculiar: flying the friendly skies with aer arann
quite peculiar: inishmore from above
quite peculiar: inishmore townscape
quite peculiar: inishmore coast
quite peculiar: houses dotting the land
quite peculiar: heading towards the runway to land
quite peculiar: inishmore
quite peculiar: aran from the plane