quite peculiar: I have woken up two days in a row with the Little Lord on the pillow like this.
quite peculiar: Back in Blighty. Pretty view from the plane earlier.
quite peculiar: How nice to meet Squeaky! And Shaq, too, who is not in this photo.
quite peculiar: Hello from the middle of nowhere.
quite peculiar: I never stayed in the student halls at Rollins, but here’s the outside of what they look like.
quite peculiar: On the shores of Lake Virginia, walking around my old college campus.
quite peculiar: Yesterday’s swift half at Redlight Redlight, waiting for Audubon Park Night Market.
quite peculiar: Finally made my parents drive me out to one of the local breweries here in Central Florida. Here we are at Red Cypress Brewery.
quite peculiar: Still magic.
quite peculiar: Here’s Abbi, my parents’ cat. You can see the family resemblance.
quite peculiar: Bright start.
quite peculiar: This lad.
quite peculiar: Christmas cheese and Christmas beer with the Christmas cactus (because a regular tree was a bit wasteful and expensive for one person and a cat). Hawes Wensleydale is a revelation of cheese, far better than the fruit-studded ones you get from the supermar
quite peculiar: Me at 2pm: Man, how are you all even on the booze right now? I’m just getting coffee. (I am now in sync with my cat’s sleeping patterns.) Me, at 8:30pm, after three+ pints: What’s that? @duggesbryggeri Plum Spices 12% impy stout ice cream float? OKAY!
quite peculiar: Start your holiday as you mean to go on.
quite peculiar: Brussel sprout pizza from Honest Crust at Mackie Mayor with my pizza partner in crime Vilma. Because it is Christmas, after all. It was super tasty!
quite peculiar: Foxx at home.
quite peculiar: First sprouts of the season! 🎄
quite peculiar: It was a bit too big and uncomfortable for him, but here us Foxx in his festive holly bowtie.
quite peculiar: The rarest of birds: Five Points’ Hook Island Red on cask. It has been a while, old friend.
quite peculiar: Landlord.
quite peculiar: Boltmaker.
quite peculiar: Didn’t get a chance to post the graffiti I spotted in Oslo back in August. So here it is.
quite peculiar: I have a debonair little dude.
quite peculiar: He is on a Four Roses Bourbon barrel and I am naming him Felipe.
quite peculiar: Staying at Dianne and Matt’s. Cricket’s here making sure I got in okay.
quite peculiar: When you go to the bar and see your career reflected back at you. 🍻 I am at The Turk’s Head this evening for the Cloudwater Dark City Fringe. Let’s talk about beer (Cloudwater and otherwise), pubs, cats and books until 8-ish.
quite peculiar: Little Henry’s got his work cut out for him at the soon-to-be open Cloudwater Tap Room in Bermondsey.
quite peculiar: Pizzas and pints at The Magnet.
quite peculiar: Seeing the sights of South London.