quite peculiar:
head of the cat
quite peculiar:
window light
quite peculiar:
marie's afternoon
quite peculiar:
daisy and music
quite peculiar:
a lady and her beer
quite peculiar:
quite peculiar:
seated and looking out the window
quite peculiar:
atop the bookshelf
quite peculiar:
miller time
quite peculiar:
hoop in hand
quite peculiar:
at the fence
quite peculiar:
arms against the fence
quite peculiar:
sunday afternoon with a book
quite peculiar:
kitty on the potty, cleaning herself
quite peculiar:
tabby tabby kitty
quite peculiar:
clove at the lips
quite peculiar:
mike george says hello
quite peculiar:
subject one: marie howlett
quite peculiar:
subject #2: jessica earley
quite peculiar:
the space between us
quite peculiar:
ready to hula
quite peculiar:
small gesture
quite peculiar:
lost in the light
quite peculiar:
the jams
quite peculiar:
head in a lap
quite peculiar:
against the fence
quite peculiar:
looking past the fence
quite peculiar:
playing the ukelele
quite peculiar:
skateboard and sewing
quite peculiar:
two cats