quinet: Old man of the forest
quinet: Coming down
quinet: Switching to rope
quinet: Doing the splits on a rope
quinet: Orang Utan on rope
quinet: Orang Utan picking up some fruit
quinet: Orang Utan having lunch on a branch
quinet: Orang Utan patriarch
quinet: Orang Utan feeding station
quinet: Old man in red overcoat
quinet: Young Orang Utan friends
quinet: Playful Orangutangs
quinet: Just hanging around
quinet: Orangutan swinging on rope
quinet: Orangutan on double ropes
quinet: Orang Utan rapid transit system
quinet: Orangutans have hands for feet
quinet: Sharing a free lunch with the patriarch
quinet: A swinging Orangutan
quinet: Old woman of the forest
quinet: High-wire lunch
quinet: Orangutan rope workout
quinet: One arm, one leg
quinet: Long arms in the jungle
quinet: Rapid transit system for Orangutans
quinet: Mouthfull of bananas
quinet: Heading out with the bananas
quinet: How to peel a banana with your foot
quinet: Life in the trees
quinet: Upside down in the trees